Wells Fargo SecuritiesiPad App
Joe Chehock is a UX Product Designer living in Seattle WA
UX Design Lead, San Francisco, Seattle, Silicon Valley, designer, user experience design, interactive, branding, print, UI, UX, consultant, freelance, software, graphics, graphic design, photography, marketing, illustration, print, 3d, animation, Adobe, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, artist, designer, creative director, art director, instructional designer, trainer
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Wells Fargo Securities
iPad App
UI, Visual Design & Iconography
Wells Fargo Securities
iPad App
Wells Fargo Wholesale partnered with Awasu Design to create the company’s first browser-based tablet-optimized application for the Securities Research division. The goal of the project was to create a wholesale branded iOS themed app that would allow customers to easily access the Wells Fargo Securities database of financial reports and research. My role was to provide in house visual and interaction design while serving as brand adviser to our partner and vendor teams. After first-pass designs were established I provided art direction to bring the experience and iconography closer to brand. During development I provided ADA compliance direction and visde screen validation, along with continued design support.
Visual Designer & Brand Adviser
Branding, UI, Visual Design