The Doorways of Cours Julien
Joe Chehock is a UX Product Designer living in Seattle WA
UX Design Lead, San Francisco, Seattle, Silicon Valley, designer, user experience design, interactive, branding, print, UI, UX, consultant, freelance, software, graphics, graphic design, photography, marketing, illustration, print, 3d, animation, Adobe, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, artist, designer, creative director, art director, instructional designer, trainer
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The Doorways of Cours Julien

The Doorways of Cours Julien

Graffiti artists converge in the back alleys of Marseille


On a recent trip to France I visited the alleys of Cours Julien, an edgy gentrifying neighborhood in Marseille. The graffiti around Cours Ju – as the locals call it – is amazing. The doorways up and down the small alleys create a network of wonderful patterns, textures, and design. Each door becomes it’s own unique canvas with layers of multicolored layers – a mash up of rattle-can tags, stencils, and post ups.